Monday 14 January 2013

Split one column value to multiple columns using tExtractDelimitedFields Talend Open Studio

Split one column value to multiple columns using tExtractDelimitedFields Talend Open Studio

In the earlier post here, I have shown, How to split column values to multiple records using tNormalize component. In this post, I will show you, How to extract value of single column into multiple columns in Talend Open studio using tExtractDelimitedFields component.

Job Design:

Input File:

101;Avinash Gupta;java,C++,sql
102;Vikas Gupta;oracle,HTML,JSP,AJAX
103;Mayank Arora;Talend,Abinitio,OBIEE

Input in run console

Notice there are only three column in Input.

Output in Run console

In the output we have split values of skills column to multiple skill columns in output.

Component properties of tExtractDelimitedFields component 

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  1. Good job vikram, may i know how to create duplicate rows of a file based of certain constraints.

    1. Thanks Sajish, I would be happy to answer you.

      Request you to provide more details for ur query. It would be helpful if you can explain with example.

  2. Hi Sir
    If the skill count comming from source is unknow like a person might have 10 skills then how to handle this,Please help me out.


  3. Hello sir,

    What if we want to split two column at same time. Like here in your example emp skills. But what we can do if want to split emp_skills as well as emp_name(into firstName and lastName)?

