Everybody may have used Google Chrome Browser on Windows platform. Those who are using Linux also wants to use the same browser as well.
Follow the steps mentioned below to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 12.10 Linux.
1. Press Ctrl – Alt – T on your keyboard to open the terminal.
2. When it opens, Type/copy paste the following commands one by one.
After the above commands, your google chrome should have been successfully installed. Open and enjoy surfing on Google Chrome.
Follow the steps mentioned below to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 12.10 Linux.
1. Press Ctrl – Alt – T on your keyboard to open the terminal.
2. When it opens, Type/copy paste the following commands one by one.
wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable
After the above commands, your google chrome should have been successfully installed. Open and enjoy surfing on Google Chrome.
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