Thursday 7 February 2013

How to Install Talend Open Studio on Ubuntu 12.10 (Linux)

Installing Talend Open studio on windows is very easy ad intuitive. However, installing Talend on Ubuntu linux is little different. Today I am going to show, How easy it is to install it on Ubuntu as well.

Following softwares are required to successfully install and launch TOS:

Talend Open Studio
2. Oracle Java JDK   
3. XUL Runner for running Talend on Ubuntu 12.x.x.

Lets get started ad follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Download Talend Open Studio from Talend Website and extract the archive file.

2. Download , Install and configure JDK 7.0 on Ubuntu Linux. Visit blog article "How to Install Oracle JDK 7 on Ubuntu 12.10 Linux" to refer the installation process.

3.  Install XUL runner. This is required to launch the Talend open studio on Ubuntu.
    On 32 bit machines

I. Download XULRunner from Mozilla FTP
II. Extract this file into /usr/local/lib using the following commands

cd /usr/local/lib
sudo tar -xvf <complete path of the file which was downloaded in I.>
III. Open TalendOpenStudio-linux-gtk-x86.ini and add the last line as below:
  On 64 bit machines

I. Download XULRunner from Mozilla FTP
II. Extract this file into /usr/local/lib using the following commands

cd /usr/local/lib
sudo tar -xvf <complete path of the file which was downloaded in I.>
III. Open TalendOpenStudio-linux-gtk-x86_64.ini and add the last line as below:

Note: to know If your Ubuntu is 32bit or 64, run the following commands
uname -a
4.  Copy the following code to create a script to launch Talend Open Studio. Lets name it

 /Path of TOS installation directory/TalendOpenStudio-linux-gtk-x86_64
5. Change the permissions of the script created in step 4.

sudo chmod 777
6. Finally Execute the script to launch the Talend open studio.


Guys please let me know, if you face any issues during the installation process.

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Thanks a lot ,
    i'v followed the same steps , but i have this error message :

    ./ 3: /root/TOS_DI-r95165-V5.2.1/TalendOpenStudio-linux-gtk-x86_64/: not found

    Do you have any idea about that ? :(

  3. Now i have my lanch executed ,but it give me this error :

    /root/filcontainer/TOS_DI-r95165-V5.2.1/TOS_DI-linux-gtk-x86_64: 2: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
    root@stg40:~/filcontainer/TOS_DI-r95165-V5.2.1# /root/filcontainer/TOS_DI-r95165-V5.2.1/TOS_DI-linux-gtk-x86_64: 1: ELF: not found

  4. Can you post me the contents of the / file?

    Also, please let me know the complete path where talend is installed on your machine.

  5. Hi,

    It didn't work for me.
    My configuration :
    kubuntu 12.10 amd64
    $ java -version
    java version "1.6.0_43"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode)

    When I run the script I can select a project, when I try to open a the project I crash and in the log /.metadata/.log file I have that kind of message :
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2013-04-18 12:00:45.890
    !MESSAGE Application error
    !STACK 1
    org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -2147467259
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.error(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.initXULRunner(
    at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.create(

    I suspect it's because the mozilla ftp doesn't seem to provide a 64 bit version of xulrunner, and as far as I know the xulrunner should be compiled for the same architecture as TOS.
    Any other link to a xulrunner for x86_64? Tried to build from source with no success.
    Note: I'm using eclipse everyday on this computer, so this problem is TOS specific.

  6. Hello Michel,

    I think its more of a TOS issue. Try downloading the latest version of TOS.

    Also, try to download and install JDK 7.0.

    I hope this should help the issue.

  7. I am facing below error:

    TOS_BD-linux-gtk-x86_64: Cannot open display:
    TOS_BD-linux-gtk-x86_64: Cannot open display:
    An error has occurred. See the log file

    Please help me to solve it.

    1. I am also getting same error. Did you find any fix for it?

  8. I get the same errorTOS_BD-linux-gtk-x86_64: Cannot open display:
    TOS_BD-linux-gtk-x86_64: Cannot open display:
    An error has occurred. See the log file
